Share Your import challenges and GET a ₹1000 VOUCHER!
With your valuable inputs we are aiming to create a comprehensive trade platform for the ease of imports. As a token of appreciation we are offering a voucher of ₹1000 on our services. We welcome you to be part of our survey.
Our Mission
Simplifying Imports
We're a startup with a mission to simplify imports to India. Over the last one year we've worked with 195+ customers. We've identified and solved some of the import challenges they faced.

Your Feedback Matters
At Befach, we're dedicated to simplifying global trade. We're growing and improving our systems to make it more convenient for you. We value your input as we make these changes to enhance our services and grow together.

Join Us for Smooth Importing
Join us to make your import process smooth and systematic. With Befach, you can experience a streamlined approach to global trade, backed by our expertise and commitment to continuous improvement.